• Andrew & Jami Harris

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    I came to know Christ during my junior year of college through a Campus Outreach New Year’s conference. As I grew in my relationship with Him, I also grew in my understanding of the importance of global missions. In 2014 my family moved to Manila, Philippines along with a team of recent CO grads to pioneer a new ministry. As that ministry is now established and growing, we are excited to be starting a new Campus Outreach region in Birmingham, England! We believe England is a strategic place to impact university students who could then transform their city, culture and the U.K. for the Glory of God.

  • Sophie Anvar

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    Sophie grew up in a Christian home in Kentucky but found her faith grew the most while in college. Through a college ministry and the local church, she was encouraged to consider what the Lord had planned for her future and to find her purpose in His plans. She began praying about going overseas and was led to join Campus Outreach this past year. She is excited to see how the Lord will work through her as she engages college students with the Gospel in Birmingham, UK!

  • Jordan & Maribeth (Strong) Bailey

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    The Baileys both started following Christ during their time in college (Jordan at Kansas State University and Maribeth at Troy University). God used His Word and community to grow their hearts for the lost. Jordan was spurred on by Revelations 7:9 to pursue missions. He felt the Lord excite him about seeing a diverse group of people come to worship Jesus, which is what led him to serve as Campus Staff in Birmingham. Maribeth felt the Lord tug at her heart with Matthew 9:35-38. The great need for people to hear about Jesus is what led her to serve as the Women’s Coordinator in Birmingham. Jordan and Maribeth met right before they left for Birmingham and fell in love while on the field together. They got married in May 2023! They are so honored to have the privilege of sharing Christ in Birmingham, England!

  • Joey & Margaret Carter

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    God revealed himself to Joey during his freshmen year at Troy when he realized that it wasn’t the strength of his faith but the object of his faith, Jesus Christ, that would save him. Joey and Margaret served with Campus Outreach at Troy University for the past 10 years. Their family is excited to continue building laborers in the United Kingdom. Their vision is to see college students come to faith in Jesus, be discipled, and be sent out into the world. They are passionate about the opportunity to have gospel ministry in the UK alongside local churches and a Campus Outreach team, where they can share the joy of trusting in Christ with others in an international context.

  • Beau & Sarah Dugan

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    The Dugan’s each came to Christ during their college years (Beau at UWG and Sarah at Auburn). As they began to follow Jesus, God’s heart for the world began to shape them deeply. The Lord called Beau and Sarah to go overseas with CO SERVE right after they graduated for about a year each. Beau served in Christchurch, NZ with the first team sent in 2016 and transitioned to CO staff at UWG 2017-2020. Sarah served in Brisbane, Australia 2017-2018.

    These two met through CO SERVE after laboring for the gospel overseas. God directed their hearts towards one another, and they were married in October 2019! After a couple of years of ministry stateside with CO, God again directed their hearts to serve the Lord and His Kingdom in an overseas context. They are currently serving in Birmingham, England!

  • Alan & Junia Andrioni Fernandes

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    I came to Christ in 2005 as a junior in college through the ministry of Campus Outreach in Brazil. Junia and I were married in 2010 and later blessed with Enzo, in 2015. I worked for 12 years with CO Belo Horizonte with a focus on evangelism, discipleship, and sending laborers. Our family was deployed to the UK in October 2018, and we now live in Birmingham, England. My job is to help the team in place with their university student ministry as we seek to “Build Laborers on the Campus for the Lost World”.

  • Ally Gasser

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    Ally became a Christian in 2017 through a campus ministry at the University of Missouri. God changed the trajectory of her life and gave her a desire to serve the Lord wherever He would call. That led Ally to spend a year in Birmingham, UK with Campus Outreach. After falling in love with the country and melting pot of cultures, the Lord really burdened Ally’s heart with how He is moving in England. She was offered to stay on to work for the team in Birmingham as Campus Staff/Media Coordinator! Ally is excited and humbled to continue being a part of how God is reaching the nations through the ministry in Birmingham, UK!

  • Dan Haynes

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    I moved to Birmingham to study at University in 2008 and have been here ever since. My student years were a pivotal time in my life, when I thought through the implications of Jesus’ claim to be Lord in a way I hadn’t before. Either Jesus is who he says he is, which changes everything. Or he isn’t, so it changes nothing. Throughout that time, older Christians showed me what it looked like to live and speak for Jesus and I saw that I could trust him with my life. I’m excited to be involved with Campus Outreach and see students in Birmingham come to find that same hope in Christ.

  • Jake Heckman

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    My name is Jacob Miller Heckman, and I was born to Lee and Crickett Heckman in Nashville, Tennessee. I lived in Tennessee all of my life before attending the University of South Alabama in Mobile. At South, I was a communications major, and I was involved in Campus Outreach for all 4 years. I learned to walk with the Lord in college, and I am currently trying to offer myself up as a vessel in which the Lord may use me for his work!

    Jake Heckman
  • Mitchell & Alexis (Maddox) Hill

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    Mitchell & Alexis were both involved in Campus Outreach as students, Mitchell at the University of South Alabama and Alexis at Georgia Southern University. During that time, God grew them tremendously in their faith, instilling a deep-rooted passion for His word, prayer, the church, and discipleship. The Lord also gave them a heart for lost people all around the world. Mitchell gained his desire to go to the mission field while in Brazil as a student in 2017. Likewise, Alexis gained her desire during a trip with her local church to London in 2019. They met in Birmingham, UK as LEAD staff and were married after the initial two-year term. The Lord Jesus has called them to continue serving Him in Birmingham, and they are excited to continue making disciples for His kingdom!

  • Adam & DeAnna H.

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    Adam and DeAnna each started following Christ during their college years. Adam sensed the Lord’s calling to missions during his time in seminary. He has served in both Zambia and South Asia. Adam is passionate about those who have yet to hear to be reached with the Good News. DeAnna has served on staff with CO stateside for the past 12 years and has a heart for evangelism, discipleship, and seeing the world reached with the Gospel. They are looking forward to engaging in the work God has for them with university students in Birmingham, England and trusting that the work reaches the ends of the earth. Adam and DeAnna have one daughter, Hallie.

  • Sarah L.

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    Sarah became a Christian at a young age, and God has graciously transformed her life as she has grown in her knowledge of and love for Him. In high school, she began to have compassion for those who don’t know Jesus or have hope in eternal life. As she began to share the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection in college, she sensed a calling to vocational ministry and joined the Campus Outreach Memphis staff team. She has been sharing her faith with women at Rhodes College and helping them grow into spiritual leaders for the past four years. Since then, God has continued to stoke a vision in her life to see people from every nation across the world worshipping at the throne of the Lamb. She is excited to be part of the work of redemption God is doing around the world!

  • Austin Mawby

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    Austin grew up in Saginaw, Texas and attended the University of Texas at Arlington, where he studied Accounting. Through being involved in his fraternity on campus, Austin became connected with Campus Outreach. Because of this relationship, he was challenged for the first time on what a relationship with Jesus truly looked like. After about two years, Austin found himself at a Campus Outreach New Years Conference in Austin, Texas, where he then gave his life to the Lord. Over the next two years, Austin began to grow in his relationship with Jesus and his understanding of what it meant to make disciples. It was during these two years that his heart for missions and his desire for others to know Jesus grew exponentially. After college, Austin participated in LEAD in Birmingham, UK. Now, he is excited to continue his time there for the foreseeable future, as he longs to see the nations reached through this extremely diverse city so that one day the UK will return to being the sending nation it once was.

  • Julie Muntean

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    Julie Muntean graduated from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Throughout college, the Lord allowed Julie to be around people who both encouraged her and challenged her in her walk with God. In growing in her walk with the Lord, He also showed her what a delight it is to share the good news of the gospel. After doing Bible study after Bible study, she realized there is so much joy in seeing the Lord work in another’s heart. While Julie amazingly watched Him work in others’ hearts, little did she know that He was slowly working in her heart as well. He molded Julie’s heart to see His compassion for the lost and gave her a heart to see His kingdom grow. The people of Birmingham come from all over the world and now hold a dear place in her heart.

  • Meghan Rintoul

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    Meghan became a Christian in 2013 through the ministry of CO at Southeast Missouri State University. After catching a vision for sharing Christ with college students, she came on staff with the Resource Office and Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. After serving in Memphis for 5 years, many prayers, and the Lord’s leading, Meghan felt the call to take the skills she has learned in Memphis and go to serve overseas. She is excited to join the ministry in Birmingham, England as the Regional Director’s Assistant, where she will continue to see God’s kingdom be built here on earth as it is in heaven!

  • Esther Roh

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    Esther grew up in a Christian home but didn’t come to have a personal relationship with Jesus until her freshman year of college at Georgia Southern University. Because of the local church and the discipleship of Campus Outreach, she learned the joy of following Jesus and challenging others to do the same. After 4 years on staff with CO Augusta, she is excited to follow the Lord’s leading to Birmingham, UK, to be a part of the kingdom work He is doing there!

  • Addison Short

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    Addison grew up in a Christian household and started actively following Jesus at 12! She is originally from Easley, South Carolina and graduated from Charleston Southern University in North Charleston, SC. During her time at CSU, Addison was involved in two ministries. For the first three years, she was a Younglife leader, but during her third year, she studied abroad in London! While in London, Addison personally experienced the Lord’s heart for the nations and became burdened for the UK! In her senior year, she became a part of Campus Outreach and grew immensely during her time within the ministry. Addison is overjoyed and excited to move to Birmingham, UK to be able to help share the Gospel with every tribe, tongue, and nation represented within the city!