Campus Staff

Sarah became a Christian at a young age, and God has graciously transformed her life as she has grown in her knowledge of and love for Him. In high school, she began to have compassion for those who don’t know Jesus or have hope in eternal life. As she began to share the Good News of Christ’s death and resurrection in college, she sensed a calling to vocational ministry and joined the Campus Outreach Memphis staff team. She has been sharing her faith with women at Rhodes College and helping them grow into spiritual leaders for the past four years. Since then, God has continued to stoke a vision in her life to see people from every nation across the world worshipping at the throne of the Lamb. She is excited to be part of the work of redemption God is doing around the world!

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Campus Outreach SERVE
Dept # 485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458

ECFA Accredited Seal