LEAD Staff
Matt grew up without knowing Jesus. Although he had heard His Name and had been to a few services, he did not understand God or His character. Matt was an atheist, mad that God allowed this fallen world to exist. He followed the way of the world until college, where the Gospel was depicted clearly to him for the first time. Over time, he saw and started to understand the worthiness and glory of the cross, how Jesus was the perfect and only substitute for the sin of all people. The Gospel was a radical message that required radical change, so he surrendered every aspect of life to Jesus. Matt gained a vision for trying to bring the Gospel to all those who needed to hear it, and he's excited to move to London to share the gospel with students not so different from himself, as well as use his God-given gifts to serve the local church.
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Campus Outreach SERVE
Dept # 485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458