Campus Staff

God revealed himself to Joey during his freshmen year at Troy when he realized that it wasn't the strength of his faith but the object of his faith, Jesus Christ, that would save him. Joey and Margaret served with Campus Outreach at Troy University for the past 10 years. Their family is excited to continue building laborers in the United Kingdom. Their vision is to see college students come to faith in Jesus, be discipled, and be sent out into the world. They are passionate about the opportunity to have gospel ministry in the UK alongside local churches and a Campus Outreach team, where they can share the joy of trusting in Christ with others in an international context.

Donations by check may be mailed to the address below.
Please note any preferences for the ministry you wish to support.

Campus Outreach SERVE
Dept # 485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458

ECFA Accredited Seal