LEAD Staff

I grew up with a basic understanding of the gospel and went to church occasionally with my family. Whilst at university, I was eager and curious to explore Christianity more, which led to me becoming involved with Campus Outreach in Brisbane, Australia. After the loving patience of the staff who spent time answering all my questions, I was able to truly accept the gospel and began to build a relationship with Jesus. Since graduating, I have been working as a paramedic, which has caused me to see the desperate need for Jesus in so many people’s lives. Knowing the immense peace and joy that comes from loving Jesus has grown my passion for spreading the gospel. I have been given the opportunity to join Campus Outreach in Dunedin, New Zealand, and I am so excited to dedicate my time to sharing the sweet love of Jesus with university students.

Donations by check may be mailed to the address below.
Please note any preferences for the ministry you wish to support.

Campus Outreach SERVE
Dept # 485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458

ECFA Accredited Seal