Southeast Asia Network Coordinator
Brian and Terri were discipled through the Campus Outreach ministry on their respective campuses. They were married on December 16, 1989, and have been on the mission field since October 1990. Most of their time has been spent reaching college students for Christ on Thai campuses in Bangkok, Khon Kaen and now in Chiang Mai, Thailand. After planting campus ministries and a church in Bangkok, God led the team to launch a new work in the Northeastern Capital of Khon Kaen. Brian and Terri led a team of over twenty full-time Christian workers in Khon Kaen that planted Covenant Church and campus ministries at Khon Kaen and Northeastern Universities. The ministry has had the privilege to evangelize thousands of college students and has seen over a hundred come to Christ. Since the Khon Kaen work has become almost completely indigenous, the leadership felt it best to have the Firpos move to the North of Thailand. They are currently investigating a new campus (Mae Jo University) and will be leading a new short-term team there for the next two years. Brian and Terri desire to continue investing many more years into building Thai men and women into laborers/leaders to be equipped and sent out in teams to the rest of Thailand and Southeast Asia.
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Campus Outreach SERVE
Dept # 485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458